The month of March sees us start on our biennial journey of discovery with the staff and pupils of Masterton Intermediate School. Each two years all the pupils engage in a study of varying aspects of our regional history, many classes concentrating on different aspects of our past.
We are always geared up for ways we can help the school research, and have developed a number of tools.
Perhaps the main one is our catalogue. There students can look for information we hold on a wide variety of topics.
If they are mainly interested in photographs, they can use our Picture Wairarapa link which will allow direct access to over 6,000 images of aspects of our past.
If the class is looking for information about aspects of pre-colonial history, they can search the Rangitane website, which has a comprehensive look at Wairarapa history.
The Wairarapa Archive also a selection of topics featured on its "Wairarapa History" section of its website. Stories include Joseph Masters and Te Retimana Te Korou, Papawai marae, the Fell engine, and early ballooning in the Wairarapa. Each has a body of text, as well as links to photographs, which are available for download by students.
The most detailed of these stories is the one dealing with the 1918 influenza epidemic, which has a series of second tier stories.
The Wairarapa Archive also has some pages in Kete Masterton that will be very helpful to students and teachers alike. A teachers' resources page has links to five documents, covering a variety of subjects, including sport, which we find a useful subject for unfocussed boys!
The most complete of these is a guide dealing with Queen Elizabeth Park. This is designed as a tour guide to a heritage walk through the park, but all the questions can also be answered from either Picture Wairarapa or from topics found within the Kete, such as details about the wonderfully named Dendrochronology.
The archives are happy to help any pupil with their work. They are open each weekday afternoon, from 1.00 until 5.00, and the archivist if happy to answer any questions - just e-mail
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